In Missouri and planning on training as an ultrasound tech or sonographer? Make sure you consider the wide selection of ultrasound technician schools in Missouri which can provide suitable training programs.
It’s the perfect time to work in the healthcare area of sonography, because sonographers tend to be in high demand across America. With new sonography techniques increasingly being used, ultrasound technicians jobs are already predicted to increase by 18% per year for the next ten years. When it comes to salaries and benefits, the typical salary for a sonographer in Missouri is in the region of $72,000.
Qualifications From Ultrasound Technician Schools In Missouri
To be appropriately certified, you’ll need to hold one of three different ultrasonography qualifications issued by ultrasound technician schools in Missouri. These types of ultrasonography courses fall into two categories: diagnostic medical sonography certificates as well as applied science degree programs.
Certification From Ultrasound Technician Schools In Missouri
Certificates in diagnostic medical sonography from ultrasound technician schools in Missouri usually are completed in approximately 1 to 2 years. The exact duration depends on the training establishment you study with, as well as your own past healthcare education. Certificate programs from ultrasound technician schools in Missouri contain several modules such as: ultrasonography physics, physiology of the human body, clinical pathology, using ultrasound equipment, general imaging and neuro-sonography. As well as this, your training course will involve using your sonography skills with real patients. Normally, this is carried out in a teaching hospital or possibly a healthcare center.
By and large, ultrasonography certification programs are generally popular with medical professionals who have recent health-related expertise e.g. medical assistants, doctors and healthcare specialists. Education and learning from prior healthcare training (degrees and certificates) is usually taken into consideration, and may result in exceptions and credits in the ultrasound technician certification course. Healthcare specialists can potentially complete a certification training course from one of the many ultrasound technician schools in Missouri within a year.
For anyone who doesn’t currently have a related healthcare qualification, there are many ultrasound technician schools in Missouri that can provide certification classes for people fresh to the health care sector. The only material difference is your certification training will instead be spread over twenty-one months instead of a year.
Missouri Sonography Schools Can Also Offer Degree Programs
There are actually two types of degree programs to look at. An associate’s degree normally takes 2 years to obtain, and it’s the most popular preference for a lot of high school students. Almost all associate’s degrees from ultrasound technician schools in Missouri are based on identical classes to those provided at certification level, along with some further modules in order to reach the associate’s degree standards. You’ll usually get more time using sonographer equipment and dealing with patients. Associates degree programs tend to be available at many ultrasound technician schools in Missouri.
The other type of degree that can be provided by some ultrasound technician schools in Missouri is known as a bachelors degree. In comparison to associate’s degree courses, bachelors degrees have a rather broader scope of education and learning and are spread over a period of four years. Since they include higher education, bachelor’s degree programs are likely to be chosen by students who anticipate seeking work in research as well as sonography supervision. Just one of the ultrasound technician schools in Missouri offers bachelor’s degree programs.
When it comes to job opportunities, a bachelors degree will almost certainly put you ahead of all the other applicants. Most employers understand that bachelor’s degree holders have completed far more ultrasonography education. For this reason holding a bachelor’s degree will provide you with a chance to apply for considerably more senior employment roles. In addition you’ll probably have a greater sonographer salary as well!
Finding Accredited Ultrasound Technician Schools In Missouri
There are a total of six CAAHEP accredited ultrasound technician schools in Missouri. These accredited MO sonography schools are:
Cox Health Systems – Springfield, Missouri. 3801 S National Avenue, Springfield, MO 65807.
CoxHealth’s Diagnostic Medical Sonography School is one of just 25 ultrasound technician schools in the entire USA to be CAAHEP accredited in all three sonographer disciplines of cardiac sonography, general sonography and vascular sonography. This achievement makes Cox Health one of the most comprehensive all-round ultrasound technician schools in Missouri. Cox Health Systems offers training at certificate level.
Rolla Technical Center – Rolla, Missouri. 500 Forum Drive, Rolla, MO – 65401.
Based in Rolla, Rolla Technical Center (or RTC) offers an 18-month certificate program in diagnostic ultrasound.
Sanford-Brown College – Fenton, Missouri. 1345 Smizer Mill Road, Fenton, MO 63026.
One of the most established ultrasound technician schools in Missouri, Sanford-Brown College can provide training for an associate’s degree in cardiovascular sonography.
St Louis Community College – St Louis, Missouri. 5600 Oakland Ave, St. Louis, MO 63110.
Located in St Louis, St Louis Community College has a diagnostic medical sonography certificate program with specializations in medical sonography, vascular technology or cardiac sonography.
St. Luke’s Hospital of Kansas City – Kansas City, Missouri. 4401 Wornall Road, Kansas City, MO 64111.
A respected hospital in Kansas City, St. Luke’s Hospital offers an 18-month ultrasound technician certificate program. St. Luke’s Hospital is one of the few ultrasound technician schools in Missouri to have a 100% pass rate on its sonography certificate program.
University of Missouri – Columbia, Missouri. 409 Lewis Hall, Columbia, MO 65211.
Based in Columbia, the University of Missouri is one of the few ultrasound technician schools in Missouri to offer a four year bachelor’s degree program in diagnostic medical ultrasound.
The above 6 universities and colleges are the only CAAHEP accredited ultrasound technician schools in Missouri.