florida ultrasound schoolsflorida ultrasound schools reviews

Florida Ultrasound Schools – Which Is The Best School?

With a variety of different Florida ultrasound schools, there has never been a better time to train as an ultrasound technician in Florida.

You may be surprised to learn that Florida has more jobs for ultrasound technicians than any other American state. There are three main reasons why this is the case.

  1. With a population of over 18 million residents, Florida is the fourth biggest state in the US.
  2. As many Americans choose Florida as their retirement destination, an ever increasing proportion of the population is elderly and requires more medical treatments.
  3. There are an above average number of well respected Florida ultrasound schools which specialize in diagnostic medical sonography training.

This means that if you want to become an ultrasound technician, training at one of the Florida ultrasound schools could be the first step on your pathway to many excellent job opportunities together with a high sonographer salary package.

How To Select The Best Florida Ultrasound Schools

When you are looking for the most suitable Florida ultrasound schools, there are some really important things that you should take into consideration.

In terms of licensing, there is presently no formal requirement to hold a certificate in diagnostic medical sonography in order to get an ultrasound technician job in Florida. However, you’ll probably find it hard to gain employment if you haven’t got a suitable qualification from one of the accredited Florida ultrasound schools. If you want to have the widest choice of ultrasound technology jobs and earn the best salary, having a formal qualification is essential.

Florida ultrasound schools will typically offer three types of ultrasound technician training programs – certificate, associate’s degree and bachelor’s degree.

If you’ve previously earned a degree in a healthcare related field, you may be interested in taking a 12 month certificate course. This is a popular choice for physicians and nurses who want to increase their medical skill set. All Florida ultrasound schools offer a one year certification program.

If you don’t have a degree and want to work as an ultrasound technician, the two year associate’s degree program could be ideal for you. Most Florida ultrasound schools provide training for associate’s degrees, and the course will give you a thorough understanding of sonography principles as well as ‘hands on’ training on how to operate the equipment used in ultrasound technology.

If you want the most in-depth ultrasound technician training available, you may wish to take a four year bachelor’s degree course. Several Florida ultrasound schools provide bachelor’s level training. One of the major reasons why bachelor’s degrees are popular is because many employers really value the qualification. As a result, you’ll usually be able to get better jobs and have a higher sonography salary. But do remember that a bachelor’s degree from one of the Florida ultrasound schools will take you double the time it takes to earn an associate’s degree, and the course fees will be higher.

Questions To Ask Florida Ultrasound Schools

If you want to train as a sonographer, here are some questions you should always ask any Florida ultrasound schools:

  • Is The Course Accredited? Not all sonography schools and colleges offer accredited courses. Only look at Florida ultrasound schools which hold full accreditation, because employers may not accept your qualification if the course hasn’t been approved. In America, the organization responsible for carrying out accreditation is the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (also known as CAAHEP)
  • Which Courses Are Available? Not all Florida ultrasound schools offer all three types of ultrasound technicians qualifications (certificate, associate degree and bachelor’s degree) So when you talk to Florida ultrasound schools, be sure to ask them which courses they can provide.
  • Are Any Specializations Available? All Florida ultrasound schools will teach the principles of sonography and the practical application of ultrasound technology. In addition, some ultrasound schools also offer modules in specialized training such as cardiovascular sonography. If you are interested in specific ultrasound specializations, ask if these are available.
  • What Do Courses Cost? Most Florida ultrasound schools charge different rates for their sonography courses, so ask for rates so you can compare different ultrasound technician schools.

Which Florida Sonography Schools Are CAAHEP Accredited?

There are 15 Florida ultrasound schools which hold full CAAHEP accreditation for sonography training. These schools are:

  • Broward College – Ft Lauderdale, Florida. 1000 Conconut Creek Blvd, Coconut Creek, FL 33066.
  • Cambridge Institute of Allied Health – Delray Beach. 5150 Linton Boulevard, Delray Beach, FL 33484.
  • Central Florida Institute – Orlando, Florida. 6000 Cinderlande Parkway, Orlando, FL 32810.
  • Central Florida Institute – Palm Harbor. 30522 US Highway 19 North, Palm Harbor, FL 34684.
  • Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences – Orlando. 671 Winyah Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
  • Hillsborough Community College – Tampa, Florida. PO Box 30030, Tampa, FL 33630.
  • Keiser University – Melbourne, Florida. 900 S. Babcock Street, Melbourne, FL 32901.
  • Keiser University – Daytona Beach, Florida. 1800 Business Park Blvd, Daytona Beach, FL 32114.
  • Keiser University – Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 1500 NW 49th Street, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309.
  • Miami Dade College – Miami, Florida. 950 NW 20th Street, Miami , FL 33127.
  • Nova Southeastern University – Fort Lauderdale. 3200 South University Drive, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33328.
  • Palm Beach State College – Lake Worth, Florida. 3160 PGA Blvd, Palm Beach Garden, FL 33410.
  • Sanford-Brown Institute – Fort Lauderdale. 1201 West Cypress Creek Road, Ft Lauderdale, FL 33309.
  • St Vincents Medical Center – Jacksonville, Florida. 1800 Barrs Street, Jacksonville, FL 32204.
  • Valencia Community College – Orlando, Florida. 1800 S. Kirkman Road, Orlando, FL 32811.

Although these Florida ultrasound schools are the only CAAHEP accredited ultrasound schools in Florida, there are also some online ultrasound courses available which are approved by CAAHEP. Some sonography students decide to use training from online ultrasound tech schools, as it can be cheaper and more flexible.

Irrespective of the type of training provider, it’s always wise to first contact some Florida ultrasound schools to see what courses are available.